Buzzoff is committed to the global eradication of Malaria.  

The Buzzoff Mandate

Buzzoff seeks to outlines the problem of Malaria and encourage people to raise the profile of Malaria education, prevention, testing and treatment with in their cirlcles of influence. By making Malaria a higher priority more will be done to eradicate the disease.

How we Work

Buzz Off wants to see what can be done to help small communities to better manage the Mosquito populations that are causing the diseases that are taking away their health and their livelihoods. We believe that Malaria and by extension other Mosquito borne diseases can be beaten if we apply the five Buzz Off principles to a community.


We have run many seminars equiping people to prevent, diagnose and treat Malaria.



BuzzOff will also do its part by distributing malaria testing kits, LLIN mosquito nets and antimalarial medicines to local communities. We also provide training materials and have a grants program to fund Malaria prevention programs.


Through its fund raising efforts and sale of nets and testing equipment Buzz Off provides testing kits and small grants for Malaria focused programs so that places that have few resources are not left out of the campaign.



The Buzz Off web site is a means through which people can share resources. Educational material can be downloaded so that more information is available to more people.

The Buzzoff Charter


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Australian Mercy

Buzz Off is an initiative of Australian Mercy that is designed to help individuals NGOs and small communities better address the impact that Mosquito borne diseases are having on their communities.

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Formed in 1988 Australian Mercy is a registered charity and aid and development organisation that has a legal structure through which it can participate with Governments, The United Nations, and other Church and NGO bodies.
We work in countries such as Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Indonesia, and Zambia.

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Australian Mercy supports Relief and Development projects such as those amongst landmine accident survivors, victims of HIV / AIDS, refugees, victims of disasters, and poor communities.
Our aim is to provide assistance to the poor, the needy and marginalised.
Over the next few years we hope to open up more projects in Africa and the Middle East as well as engage with communities in the Pacific regions.