The Buzz Off training team have arrived in Myanmar and are holding training courses near Ban-ta-naw in the Irrawaddy and next week in Mandalay where students are expected to come form many out lying areas.
The Ban-ta-naw seminars are being held in the village of Udoe which is a 50 minutes drive from Ban-ti-naw. The team have to travel this distance to and from the seminars each day which makes the days very long.
There are 52 registered attendees with an extra 10 or so who are attending part time. About two thirds of the attendees are women.
Again we are surprised at the distances travelled by people to attend this seminar although most of the attendees were from the Irrawaddy with some people coming from Yangon and Chin State, in order to attend
Our training includes 3 Burmese trainers Elizabeth Nwe, Saw Marcus Win and Mr Maung Maung Winn. Other trainers include nurses from Holland and the U K and Gerda Hoef also from Holland who is leading the seminar. This time around David Skeat is the sole Australian trainer on the team.
The team are all in good spirits and the students are all very keen drinking in the messages of the seminar. A good time is being had by all.
You can assist Buzz Off in its malaria work in Burma by making a tax deductible donation via the Australian Mercy Secure Site